It's now four years when official sale of KAMAZ started in Czech Republic. Forn this reason, an event took place in 24.5.2018 which's name was ''KAMAZ Days 2018''. Static and dynamic shows took place troughout the presentation. Event was in Hradec Králové in polygon area s-drive.
Journalists and intersted customers were acquiant with two-axle and three-axle vehicles. Some of vehicles was acquianti road version some in off-road version which were ready to hard terrain. Many people was interested by comfortable interior, powerful engine or driving abillities. Production of KAMAZ destined to demandig European market take place in EU in Lithuanian assembly plant.
During assembly of vehicles for EU markets are used American engines CUMMINS in combination with German transmissions ZF. This ensure fulfill of most strict emission limits, higher lifespan, better service and high quality of vehicles. Vehicles destined to EU gets modernized KAMAZ cabs, better ergonomy of interrior and nice exterior design.
KAMAZ group is the biggest automobile corporation of Russian federation. It is also part of the top ten of the world's largest manufacturers of heavy trucks. In recent years KAMAZ has produced more than 80 000 trucks, 60 000 engines and 1 500 buses per year.
AT present the KAMAZ group includes more than 150 organisations based in Russia, the CIS, but also in more distant countries. A single production site provides all technological processes in all stages of vehicle production. Started by development, production, assembly of vehicles and equipments and canceled by placing on the market of products and service. In single units and subsidiaries of KAMAZ group works more than 45 000 peoples.
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KAMAZ offers wide range of work vehicles includes: trucks, right-hand drive cars, trailers, semi-trailers, buses, tractors and engines.
KAMAZ traditionally offers vehicles af total wieght about 12 to 41 tons. In recent years was offer extended with new models and vehicle series which are road vans or vehicles with high load capacity for use as truck set about total weight of 120 tons.
KAMAZ is winner technology supplier which is prove every year by the most demanding competitions like a rally DAKAR or SILK WAY.
- anticipates needs of customers, fast delivery of individual vehicles and branded service hepls customers to get inspirative goals
- main world player in cooperation with German concern Daimler
- main markets: Russia, SIS countries, atractive markets of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America
- simple in maintenance, reliable, high quality of truck vehicles with low running costs for low acquisition prices
- using best technologies, fulfill all customer wishes
- wide range of geographic use of KAMAZ vehicle: polar ares, tropic and subtropic environment deserts and mountain area
- extensive servise sites in Russia, in SIS states and other countries. Service sites will expand to EU in next years
- plenty of produced vehicles allows KAMAZ vehicles to offer in optimal ratio quality - price
Prices of KAMAZ vehicles on Czech market started by 1.300.000,-Kč without VAT. Main advantage are short dlivery time of vehicles supplied from European manufacturer in Lithuania and spare parts form Poland central warehouse